CEO mesage
The right to a workplace free of unlawful discrimination, bullying and harassment
Every Barwon Health worker (that is, every employee, volunteer, consultant, contractor, etc) has a fundamental right to be able to come to work, do their job and go home at the end of the day or end of their shift without having been subject to any form of unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment (including sexual harassment). I, as the CEO, along with the senior management team, have a responsibility to do everything we reasonably can for that to occur. But the responsibility doesn’t end there. All those who in some way contribute to the operation of Barwon Health also have a responsibility to do everything they reasonably can in this regard.
As a health care provider, to care for our patients and residents we must first look after ourselves and each other. That is why Wurru‑Ki exists, as a means of looking after ourselves and each other by giving us all an alternative and confidential means for addressing any concerns we may have as to another worker’s conduct in the workplace, whether it is directed towards us or it impacts us as a bystander. Wurru‑Ki exists for all of us, no matter what our role, no matter where we stand within the organisation, no matter whether we work full time, part time or casual and no matter whether our work is paid or we volunteer.
We can’t change the past, but we can influence the future. Wurru‑Ki is designed as a forward looking program where the future working relationship between individuals is the focus.
Living Barwon Health’s values and showing respect for your fellow Barwon Health team members should be the aim of us all. Being respectful toward others costs nothing and it is something we can all do.
Wurru‑Ki has my absolute full support and I know it has the absolute full support of our Board. I commend Wurru‑Ki to you all.